Gemini - 22. May - 21. June
Its name is Latin for “twins”, and it is associated with the twins Castor and Pollux in Greek mythology. The myth of Castor and Pollux, collectively known as the Dioscuri. One myth of these twins concerns cattle theft,
and may be connected to early myths that described the Milky Way as a herd of dairy cows. Castor was a famed horseman and warrior who taught Heracles to fence, while Pollux was a champion boxer.
A bluish white star in 52 light years distance. Castor is a sextuple-starsystem.
A orange giant in 33.5 light years distance. Ovid (43 B.C. - 17 A.C.) called him Pugil, “The Fighter” and the arabs called him Rasalgeuse, “The head of the twins”.
Alchimistical element:
Twins are all about intelligence and communication. Geminis have a talent for using their minds and expressing thereselfs fully. As a Gemini, one is a bower bird, mentally, and takes an interest in all sorts of different things. Anything that gets their mind ticking over will grab them. They constantly try to challenge their mental abilities and will make extra efforts to understand anything they put in their minds.
Versatility, all-round, sociability
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